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Tensioning Test of Guyed Wire Towers

Nov. 17, 2021

Tensioning of a guyed wire tower is the most important step to ensure the stability of all or part of a suspended tower. Tensioning of the boom defines the length of time that the boom can support the mast or tower. Tension is the maximum amount of pressure or tension a pulley can absorb without giving way.

Connector manufacturers around the world also refer to the degree of tension as the elasticity of the connector. Well-known manufacturers like Meier Telecom subject their booms to rigorous tensile testing before deploying support tie towers.

There are several technical aspects that manufacturers look for when testing rebar. First, they look at the yield stress of the rebar. The yield stress is the maximum amount of tensile force or strain that the rope can absorb. Second, they look for the modulus of the wire that will be used in the towers. The conventional wisdom is that the higher the modulus, the more stable it is.

Steel Wind Measurements 3 Legged Guyed Tower

Steel Wind Measurements 3 Legged Guyed Tower

There are a number of ways to test the tension of a guyed wire tower, some of which are described below.

Direct method

The direct method uses hydraulic or mechanical equipment to pull the wire of a tension tower to measure tension. The direct method is considered to be the best method because it uses an accurate measuring instrument.

Indirect method

The indirect method uses calculations and various assumptions to predict the tension of overhead wires. The Sagar method is the most common application of the indirect method. However, the indirect method is not considered to be as accurate as the direct method.

Probably the toughest test of boom tensioning occurs when strong winds blow across the towers. When the wind is strong, the tower will naturally move. At this time, the upwind poles are stretched and under tension, and after a period of time, resist movement. At the same time, the downwind brackets will release their pretension and lose tension. Thus, the upwind and downwind poles of the tower complement each other in preventing the tower from becoming unstable.

Without a doubt, tensioning the ropes is the most important stage of deploying the tension towers. Trussed towers will achieve stability based solely on the tensioning capacity of the brackets.

Generally speaking, towers with the right average tension of solid materials and coating can stand for 20 years under natural conditions, or up to 30 years if normal maintenance is enhanced. After the overall painting is completed, the coating needs to be maintained for 7 days before complete curing, so do not set up the tower before curing. And during the curing and delivery process, we should pay attention to the protection of the coating. After painting the overall harmony and wonderful.

Tensioning Test of Guyed Wire Towers

Communication tower has a location to install various communication antennas, which can meet the requirements of various wireless communication, and later also meet the requirements of various wireless communication, and later also can realize the function of anti-theft and fire prevention wireless networking. If you need to buy and install wire pulling tower, please contact our experts to get advice and we can customize it for you.

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